Monday, July 6, 2009

Three Months of Constant Writing!

This last weekend, the Fourth of July Weekend, marks the start of my second attempt at 50/90. I already have two songs done and posted; Full Deck and She Taught Her Children

My plan this year is to only post songs that I have demo'd. Last year I would get too excited over finishing a lyric and post it with the idea that I'll get to the demo at some point. Some of those words still don't have music. - There are already 278 songs written and at this writing, there are 87 Days, 21 Hours, 34 Minutes, and 17 seconds left til the end of the time. So my upcoming days will be filled with following my fellow songwriters' journey on the path to 50 songs, as well as keeping my own mind open to whatever comes and chasing (and hopefull catching) that elusive muse.

Jane and I went over to palomine JP's house yesterday with a tri-tip to grill and some sweet white corn-on-the-cob to throw on the barbie as well. Had a lovely late lunch/early dinner and played music. I recorded most of it with my field recorder onto an old ipod. It did an amazing job. I have yet to upload those files and do a small bit of editing. If there's anything worth posting - well, watch this space!

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